ME 310 Project (Oasis & Nomad: An Electric Construction Vehicle Support Solution)

As part of the ME310 Global Design course at Stanford University, my teammates and I, both from Stanford University and Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden, were tasked by a corporate sponsor (Volvo CE) with supporting the adoption of Electric Construction Vehicles in areas with broken or non-existent energy infrastructure. Click the link to learn more about our project outcomes.

Mahogany in Motion: Autonomous Robot for ME 210 Challenge

An autonomous robot tasked with "herding sheep" (transporting balls) from a designated loading area to a scoring area with the ability to navigate holes in the playing field without losing any sheep.

Mixed Reality in Medicine Project

An App that uses a Mixed Reality Head Mounted Display (HMD) (HoloLens 2) to accomplish mouse and keyboard actions on a PC for individuals with motor disabilities.

Introduction to Mechatronics Project: Motor Controller

An intelligent motor driver using feedback control to accept a desired motor trajectory, execute that trajectory, and send the results back to your computer for plotting.

Machine Dynamics Project

An dynamic simulation of two swinging arms bouncing a ball off a stationary wall.

Design, Thinking, and Communication course project:The Baby Nest

Worked in a team with a non-profit organization called Kids-In-Danger to design and manufacture a safe, engaging, and interactive entertainment unit for a baby.

Design, Thinking, and Communication course project: Kayla Cycle

Worked in a team with doctors at the Shirley Ryan Ability Labs to design a bike for a child with cerebral palsy, that gives a parent or guardian control over pushing and steering.



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United States of America