The Baby Nest

The project described here is from my Design, Thinking and Communication course for my BS in Biomedical Engineering. Our team of 4 included myself, Calypso McDonnell, Sebastian Gomez-Parra, Priyanka Mathur.

The team’s main objective was to design an engaging entertainment unit for children from two months to two years. The device also needed to significantly reduce current infant injury rates and developmental risks. We delivered a low-fidelity prototype called The Baby Nest to serve as a proof of concept for our design

The Baby Nest is a baby entertainer that spins and bounces to excite babies. It has a safe egg-shaped enclosure on an extended star-shaped base that reduces risks of falls and improper seating positioning. It also features an attachable tray to add multifunctionality as a feeding station and a detachable chair that lends to easier cleaning.

Skills Utilized

  • Thermoforming
  • Low-fidelity prototyping
  • CNC Routing

The full report can be found at the links below
Full Report



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United States of America